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Friday, January 10, 2014

Garden Poetry in Winter

Winter; and Winter's New Year.
A beautiful time to sit and reflect on what is behind...what is ahead...and what should rightly come around again with the spring thaw.

Envoi to a Poem by G.K. Chesterton

Clear was the night; the moon was young;
The larkspurs in the plots
Mingled their orange with the gold
Of the forget-me-nots.

The poppies seemed a silver mist;
So darkly fell the gloom.
You scarce had guessed yon crimson streaks
Were buttercups in bloom.

But one thing moved: a little child
Crashed through the flower and fern;
And all my soul rose up to greet
The sage of whom I learn.

"My brain demands complexity,"
The lisping cherub cried.
I looked at him, and only said,
"Go on. The world is wide."

A tear rolled down his pinafore,
"Yet from my life must pass
The simple love of sun and moon,
The old games in the grass;

"Now that my back is to my home
Could these again be found?"
I looked on him and only said,
"Go on. The world is round."

--from Collected Nonsense and Light Verse published by Dodd, Mead and Co., Inc., 1987

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