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Monday, July 23, 2012

Sabbath Rest: Grandma's Apron, Revisited

"How do you open the eyes to see how to take the daily, domestic, workday vortex and invert it into the dome of an everyday cathedral?"  Ann Voskamp, 1000 Gifts

I'll tell you one how you do it...

Remember this post: http://suburbansettler.blogspot.com/2011/12/grandmas-apron.html

and this one?

For several years now, I've participated in this little private game God started with me.  He gives me a special gift for say a birthday or a traditional gifting holiday, and my part is simply to recognize it and express my thanks.  One year, it was cherry blossoms everywhere--even decorating the cake--for my birthday.  Another it was a music box that suddenly played of its own accord--which it had never done before and hasn't done since.  These are the gifts I receive.

This past Christmas, I perceived that I was to look for an apron.
But, it didn't come at Christmas.
I tried to help it along.  I asked for one, and received one...which was nice, but it didn't come with a "that's the one" feel to it.  I apologized for trying to arrange my own gift.

But then in April, when the apron-impression had been chalked up as a misfire, I went to preview a tea parlor as a place for my knitting club to visit on field trip. (A visit we later did make.)

On a lark, I responded to a help wanted sign in that tea parlor's window.  I got the job, and by early June, I was serving tea there part time!  As work goes, it is beautifully suited to my temperament, my schedule, and my ambition level for the time being. 

Still, it took a while for me to realize the significance and send the Divine Gift-giver His official thank you. 
Finally, one day, it  hit me.  As I walked in the door and turned to the "uniform rack" I realized just what it was I that I wore every day there: an apron.

I finally got my "that's the one" feeling.  Not a misfire after all, but rather another beautiful intangible to put in my eternal treasure box.

May you also find your "everyday cathedral" in life!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool story! When I get my craft room set up, I want to make some vintage style aprons. I love them. I also love God-gifts.

    Cindy Bee
