...if you have a backyard and a kitchen, this blog might be for you!

a chronicle of tips and recipes on everything from gardening to canning and baking your produce, even if you're planted in suburbia...in fact, especially if you are planted in suburbia.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dining Pilgrimage: Ruby Pear Tea House

 On a day when you find yourself needing a gardening break, during the time of the year when the lilacs are in high scent and the dogwoods blow open freely; when the sky is a brilliant blue, that's a good time...
 ...a good time to visit an authentic tea house.  I went with two friends...one nearing a generation older than me and the other a generation younger.  All three of us have a common love of things girly in the Victorian style.  It was a first visit to the Ruby Pear Tea House for all three of us, but we agreed we'll surely return.
 We were escorted down a dark, tall-ceilinged hall where we caught glimpses into the various rooms: some for high tea parties...
 ...Others for standard luncheons.
We arrived mid-afternoon so the "afternoon delight" snack was what we chose.  The menu included flavored teas delivered to each of us in our own individual tea pot with tea cozy, scones with lemon curd and berry jelly, cookies and a chocolate-dipped strawberry.

There's something magically feminine about being in such a place having such a repast (words like repast just fall out when you're in that environment.)  If you have an opportunity to patronize such an establishment (more Austen novel lingo spewing forth) I expect you'll find it just as delightful as we did!

Happy gardening break!

1 comment:

  1. I love that place...especially those chocolate and vanilla tea cookies. When I went, we ate lunch. They have a good chicken salad sandwich, too.
